Designing with a conscience doesn’t stop with environmental concerns. You may choose to buy from minority owned companies, or companies with exceptional philanthropic records or whose politics align with your own. Or you may prefer a smaller business that is family owned and local, and whose product and philosophy strike a chord with you.

Analyzing our materials (Catch up on Part 1) Earth Day took place on April 22. We will be touching on some of the environmental and ethical concerns that inevitably arise with renovation and construction. This series of posts, Designing With a Conscience, is another topic that could be expanded to the length of a book. […]

Analyzing our materials (Catch up on Part 1) Earth Day took place on April 22. We will be touching on some of the environmental and ethical concerns that inevitably arise with renovation and construction. This series of posts, Designing With a Conscience, is another topic that could be expanded to the length of a book. […]

Seemingly small improvements can have far reaching effects

Keystone Habits

Trade Secrets

Identify — don’t judge — your habits

“Good” Vs. “Bad” Habits


Blorp zinglewop, frelding quacklishly zantor! Mibble grottly fandor splicking wibblesnack. Zindle froop, jibble plaxor quitz! Whopple grendel sworblig, plonky trindle frapzor. Glibble zarkish, trantle voxnood blorp. Quindle spraxle, frimple snorblig, zindle warkish plorp. Skiddle wibblen, zoink prattle flimbo, jorp wangle flizzle!

The Client Lifestyle Interview

Trade Secrets

What’s the first thing you would change?

If You Could Wave A Magic Wand…


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