With over a decade in business, we have developed a systematic design process that ensures project success with clear timelines, budget guidelines, and personalized services.

Our meticulous and orderly approach has led to 95 percent of our business coming from word-of-mouth and repeat clients.


take a peek

Allan & Carole
Millbrook, NY

"We've hired Claudia for three different projects so far. We simply love how creative, efficient and trustworthy she is."

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Zenola & Al
New Jersey

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"I cannot thank Claudia enough for transforming our space into the home of our dreams."

We've hired Claudia for three different projects so far. We simply love how creative, efficient and trustworthy she is. Claudia recently renovated our second home, a creamery on a farm, built in the 1920s. Interior design projects can be stressful, but Claudia is so detailed and calm that she minimizes the chaos. The spaces she created for us have transformed our lives. We always recommend Claudia to friends and family, and they love what she's done for them too!

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"The project management was done unbelievably expertly. I don’t think anyone should use anyone else except Claudia Giselle Design."


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I cannot thank Claudia enough for transforming our space into the home of our dreams.

Zenola & Al
New Jersey

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“I cannot thank Claudia enough for transforming our space into the home of our dreams. We were initially apprehensive about what it would mean to work with an interior designer. My husband was flat out skeptical! But, Claudia was skillful in putting us at ease.

What we appreciated about your approach is that you took the time to get to know us—what was important to me and what was important to him. You coaxed for clues about the joys in our lives. In one such coaxing session, I mentioned that one of the things I loved about an 1800s home that we previously owned was its character, its fine details and told you of my favorite window seat. In addition to our love of art, we shared with you our love of books, music and family.

While we saw the diagrams of the proposed new space and the fabric samples for drapes and upholstery, we could never, never, never have imagined the end result. My husband the skeptic was speechless. His words—"this is so much more than I could have imagined. This is amazing.” Our art is woven into the house impeccably and tastefully. The craftsmanship, top notch. The lighting, perfect. The window seat, ideal for day-dreaming. The feel to all who enter, welcoming. Our joy with your work, priceless.”

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The project management was done unbelievably expertly. I don’t think anyone should use anyone else except Claudia Giselle Design.


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“Nobody listens as well as Claudia does. If she ever took on another career, I would tell her to be a psychotherapist. She listened, internalized, and then expressed through her vision for the home exactly what the client wants. 

The layout is exactly what I would have wanted and what Claudia and I discussed to great length. Particularly not having a dining room which cuts off the size of the whole living room space. And her expertise in finding a table that folds up and pulls out to seat 12-15 is unbelievable. Unless you think I’m making this up - I did it by myself and it was as easy to take out as it was to put in. Everything about the space worked out unbelievably beautifully.  

This is my home. It reflects who I am, what Claudia and I discussed at great length. And to give you a further example when I told Claudia that I wanted a 1940’s glamour bedroom and I mentioned a film she hadn’t seen and didn’t watch - just from our talking about it and her expertise the room came out exactly as I wanted it from a 1940’s era movie star.

The project management was done unbelievably expertly. I don’t think anyone should use anyone else except, Claudia Giselle Design. The time frame she told was exactly the time frame it was. There were no surprises, the diligence with which everything was looked after - in fact I didn’t even see the space until almost all the furniture was in. Because I trusted the design firm so much that when all my friends said to me, I can’t believe you aren’t seeing it, I said I have no fears and no one else should.

As a female business owner, myself, so much of what we do in our success is based on process. I think the fact that Claudia sits and takes the time to meet with the client then has a whole questionnaire about who they are, their lifestyle, their expectations, it gets everything out in the open exactly as to what the partnership is in making the home create the vision that the client wants. Claudia’s process draws that out. It was lovely to do, lovely to see, and lovely to be a part of.

The customer service received were well above expectation. Unmitigated pleasure, joy every time I put the key in the door, and a feeling of peace and harmony with the home is probably the best way I can describe how joyous it is to be here.

I think what Claudia did so well - one of the things I said to her was I want almost everything in this house to be American made. I felt strongly about that. And I think almost everything is except for the one piece which is the dining room table which had to be made in Italy because nobody can make a pull out table except the Italians.

When you feel strongly about something and you express those views she takes it to heart. And I feel good about what we’ve created here. I feel it is emblematic of what we accomplished and it was only through her guidance, expertise, patience, listening and even saying to me she disagrees. But she goes with her gut. Even with that she didn’t push, she listened, and I don’t think we’ve had one disagreement over anything in the apartment. And I think that’s the testimonial to a professional.”

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It’s fabulous. It’s better than I could have imagined. Totally exceeded our expectations. I would 100% work with her again.


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"It’s fabulous. It’s better than I could have imagined. Totally exceeded our expectations. I would 100% work with her again."


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"Our space was run down and claustrophobic and did not accommodate our expanding family. We now have a super warm and comfortable space that has received so many big groups of people into what is a tiny little apartment in an accommodating way.

She really heard us and responded to our complaints about what we wanted to change. Claudia listened to us, heard our vision and came to us with an already narrowed down options for every single decision that had to be made. Given the scale of the project, this was a huge savings in time and decision-making. We had petitioned our co-op board several years earlier to take down a structural wall and were rejected. Claudia led the negotiation and managed to convince our co-op board to approve something that was an integral part of the project and agree to all the proposed changes. She just persisted and made it all come together She ushered through so many potential roadblocks that I would have given up on 100 times. She even recommended how we should deal with neighbors.

She not only saved us money through her vendor discounts, but saved us time. We would have had to take off work to receive deliveries and resolve issues. And, since we had to relocate, had she not been there overseeing the project every single day, I’m sure we would have been displaced for another one or two months. I look around and it’s all just so beautiful: the color schemes, the patterns, everything. I love those little details that never would have occurred to me. With two full-time jobs and expecting our third baby, there was no way we could have managed all the planning aspects. Once the project was in motion, the things that they did were unbelievable. Everything was completely done when we moved back in. It’s fabulous. It’s better than I could have imagined. Totally exceeded our expectations. I would 100% work with her again. The service was so worth it. At our first dinner meeting, Claudia said we would get to know each other so well we’ll miss each other when it’s over. What I thought was an exaggeration at the time actually happened. "

"I would absolutely work with her again. I worked with her four times already."

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I would absolutely work with her again. I worked with her four times already.


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"We originally hired Claudia to redo our bathroom. But when she came to my house and saw I had three very young children, she asked, "But where do you spend your time?" We started talking about our basement, and how it really was just a place for toys, and what we really wanted was a family room with optimal space.

She convinced us that your money's better spent in an area where you're going to get the most benefit for it now. We basically revamped and redid our entire basement. She suggested we demo a closet, which seemed insane to me at the time. We did take out the closet and built all these beautiful built-in desks, repainted our existing cabinetry. She decorated the whole space for us, and it was like we had added a whole new level to our house. It was just beautiful. It was functional for kids, but at the same time, it was just a great space. I never ever would have had the foresight to do that.

She assured us "You'll do your bathroom eventually", which we did do with her a couple years later. But in the meantime, she convinced when she said, "If this is what you need to make you happy, let's do that first". And it was great. She has a good approach. What she does exceedingly well is she understands your style, but then pushes it a bit! And she always brings you a lot of options and offers a wide range of solutions for the space. She's a good listener. She was really clear. I didn't feel like there was anything hidden or that I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

She's very open to feedback. She really works tirelessly to fix things to your satisfaction. I would absolutely work with her again. I worked with her four times already. We started with our basement. Then we did our dining room. Next we did our living room and then we did a bathroom. We went on to do so many different projects and she gave us such great advice through the whole thing. She understands people only have so much money at a time to renovate. “

"Claudia is very customer focused. She wanted to create a space that's all about you, not about her or her mission. She really wants to make sure that you're happy."


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"Claudia is very detail oriented and organized. She puts budgets together and follows up. She's very on top of paperwork, ordering, and delivery schedules."

East side Endoscopy

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Claudia is very detail oriented and organized. She puts budgets together and follows up. She's very on top of paperwork, ordering, and delivery schedules.


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"If you really want to get something done, Claudia's the person to do it because she will keep you on schedule. She's respectful and knows when to step back. She really gets things done and does her homework. She always has her paperwork in order which is important in my field since there's a lot of regulation and I need to have the specifications on file. She gets that all done without asking. I know that when she's managing things I don't have to worry about it. I know she's going to take care of everything.

Claudia is very detail oriented and organized. She puts budgets together and follows up. She's very on top of paperwork, ordering, and delivery schedules. She deals with her reputable suppliers and vendors who always show up with is very important in a healthcare environment where patient's schedule has to be managed. Without question she exceeds expectations.

She's a very good listener. She wants to help you either realize your own vision or solve whatever problem you're having. It's all about your home or your office or your function. She listens and really finds solutions for you. Once Claudia commits to the project, she's all in. She not running 10 different things at the same time. You're the focus of her attention."

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Claudia is very customer focused. She wanted to create a space that's all about you, not about her or her mission. She really wants to make sure that you're happy.


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" I was interested in working with Claudia because I saw how she was very keen in utilizing space productivity since I had to work with what I had. My bedroom was just a place I came to sleep. The room was very dark and lacked a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It didn't reflect me. Now it's inviting. It's absolutely beautiful. It's very organized and I have the storage space I need. I have the tranquility I need. Claudia really paid attention to detail and hot a sense of my style.

She did a really good job choosing lamps, chairs, pillows, and fabric that incorporate nice softness and uniqueness and a little bit of feminist which was not existing in my previous space. Claudia created the whole space around me. Now my jewelry is laid out and the closet accommodates all my shoes. All of that was built around me as a person and my process for getting myself together in the morning and unwinding at night. All those elements were created for me and who I am and what I do. Her design improved not only improved my time getting dressed but also increased my enjoyment in the whole process. She incorporated a lot of things that were in my house but using her creative ability to craft the room's own identity with things that reflect me.

Claudia is very customer focused. She wanted to create a space that's all about you, not about her or her mission. She really wants to make sure that you're happy. "

Emily & Anna
Brooklyn, NY

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We LOVE the space! The kitchen layout has completely changed the way we use it and has made us want to cook together again. Claudia provided excellent customer service. She was very responsive, positive, and always came up with creative solutions to any problems that arose. 

Claudia provided excellent customer service. She was very responsive, positive, and always came up with creative solutions to any problems that arose.

Claudia spent a great deal of time listening to us. She came up with ideas that were tailored to our specifics needs and desires.

We LOVE the space! The kitchen layout has completely changed the way we use it and has made us want to cook together again. The bedroom layout solved all our clothing storage problems and is fresh and bright. It's a complete transformation from a dark basement to a bright, comfortable space. The custom library wall and closets has solved our storage issues and looks amazing. We love the library ladder so much!

The library cabinets had to be remade and adjusted multiple times and Claudia made sure the project was done correctly and to the specifications our challenging space required.

The lighting completely transformed the space. It feels clean and open and finished, which it didn't before. We love the colors Claudia suggested. It's truly a pleasure to come home to our new apartment.

Claudia's project management is how this renovation got done. There were so many points when we would have given up in frustration. She was a life-saver and we can't express how much we appreciate the work she did on our behalf.

Claudia's process of spending a lot of time upfront getting to know us and thinking through a lot of details made the project go more smoothly once the work was underway.

We are extremely satisfied! We love the renovation and really enjoyed working with Claudia on it.

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"She was easy to work with. I ended up with what I really loved. I'd recommend her right away."

Michael P.
New York, NY

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"Her work aesthetic, her attention to detail and the people who work with her are all top-rate."


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Her work aesthetic, her attention to detail and the people who work with her are all top-rate.


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" I have known Claudia since she joined the IFDA (International Furnishings & Design Association) and not only have we worked together closely within the industry, we have also both been NY Chapter Presidents, but I will be hiring her to redo my co-op apartment in 2017.

Her work aesthetic, her attention to detail and the people who work with her are all top-rate.

I look forward to working with her on this new venture and know that she will deliver as promised."

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She was easy to work with. I ended up with what I really loved. I'd recommend her right away.


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"It was a complicated problem because I had to have a space where I could have clients and teach as well as serve as a living room. Making the furniture fit the plan for a small space with a grand piano and a lot of technical equipment got to be a little tricky, but she had a great sense about that. She did a beautiful job. There’s a lot of stuff in a small space, but it still looks rather roomy. So I think that’s kind of a magic trick in itself. I wanted to be able to close everything up so it could also function as a living room or sitting room. Now all my gear, computer synthesizer, plus two sets of speakers, two computers, printer and scanner just fit so well. It’s not really noticeable. It’s not like you’re standing in a music studio. It’s a very pleasant space for such a small space. All my clients and students are always commenting on what a nice apartment it is. It’s a very functional space that aesthetically is very, very pleasing to the eye. That has a lot to do with how she designed the space and how we fit everything in. And the color scheme is really very much to my liking. Claudia came up with a great plan. I’m really happy with the furniture. Looking at furniture and rugs and things was just a lot of fun. We had a great time doing it.

She was never pushy about it. She just wanted to make sure I was making the choices I wanted to make. She was easy to work with. I ended up with what I really loved. She understood the arts pretty well and she had a great sense of who I was, almost immediately. She got it. I’d work with her in a minute. We’ve already talked about a couple of other things. I’d recommend her right away. "

"Five years have since gone by, and I continue to be pleased about how things turned out."


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Five years have since gone by, and I continue to be pleased about how things turned out.


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"I am happy to report that Claudia Tejeda of Claudia Giselle Design did an excellent job for me when I renovated my apartment in 2011. She included me in visits to fabric, furniture, and fixture vendors as some of my belongings got replaced or improved, and was willing to listen to my opinions on how things should look. The contractor she recommended also did an excellent job and was willing to return to fix a few minor things that needed to be corrected. Five years have since gone by, and I continue to be pleased about how things turned out."

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Oliver & Rabia
New York, NY

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When you’re spending more time at home, it pays to invest in that space. Claudia has upgraded our lifestyle by incorporating the art we love into our four-bedroom Manhattan apartment. She found the perfect hallway wallpaper to display our prized collection of 25 Salvador Dali lithographs. To maximize space, she designed functional and beautiful built-ins.

“When you’re spending more time at home, it pays to invest in that space. Claudia has upgraded our lifestyle by incorporating the art we love into our four-bedroom Manhattan apartment. She found the perfect hallway wallpaper to display our prized collection of 25 Salvador Dali lithographs. To maximize space, she designed functional and beautiful built ins. For our 14-year-old twin sons, she transformed their juvenile bedroom to reflect that they are now young adults, including a colorful skateboard on the wall painted by Keith Haring. She built a white desk for two with a walnut top that allows them to look out the window as they study and do homework. Claudia is easy going and gracious but still has a strong point of view. She listened to our goals and objectives and made them come to life.”

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"All in all a pleasure to work with, and importantly so talented! Their ideas are amazing, and specifically tailored to our point of view. We love them!"

Madeline & Alan
Katonah, NY

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"This project has been terrific and I really appreciate all your good work. All of this is beautifully done and we are particularly very grateful for how neat and tidy everything was on our return."

John s.
Brooklyn, NY

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"All in all a pleasure to work with, and importantly so talented! Their ideas are amazing, and specifically tailored to our point of view. We love them!"

Madeline & Alan
Katonah, NY

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All in all a pleasure to work with, and importantly so talented! Their ideas are amazing, and specifically tailored to our point of view. We love them!


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Claudia and Catelyn provided wonderful customer service. They were careful, detailed, and reactive to our needs, and questions. Most of my questions were already dealt with in the materials they had sent me! Seems like they think of everything.

They were also sensitive to budget issues, and understanding/flexible to our feeing's about keeping favorite items, or reacting to any prices that we felt were too high.

All in all a pleasure to work with, and importantly so talented! Their ideas are amazing, and specifically tailored to our point of view. 

We love them!

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This project has been terrific and I really appreciate all your good work. All of this is beautifully done and we are particularly very grateful for how neat and tidy everything was on our return. 


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"This project has been terrific and I really appreciate all your good work. All of this is beautifully done and we are particularly very grateful for how neat and tidy everything was on our return. Thanks so much for all your attention to detail."

"I was hired by Claudia Giselle Design to provide an audio/video/lighting solution on her latest interior design project. I found her to be extremely detailed oriented with both project management coordination and design choices. The selection of high quality products and materials used in this project are clearly visible - her designs are second to none. On a personal level, I found her to be a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend Claudia and her design team."

"I have nothing but good things to say about Claudia at Claudia Giselle Design. She has amazing vision for design and is very talented at transforming space. Claudia is extremely organized and professional which is what I like best when it comes to working together. Claudia is clear about what she would like to see and is a team player which is so important in this profession. Her calm and friendly manner make it a pleasure to work together and collaborate."

"She is really good at space planning and has good, innovative ideas. She looks at all the different options to take a space that is very boring and stuffy and open it up and make it spacious and comfortable. Her work is very elegant and fun at the same time. She makes the impossible possible."



"While working for my firm, she was able to find out what a client needs and desires on a particular project and can execute and deliver on that. She doesn’t miss her mark. Hospitality was something new and different for her and the firm and she attacked it very energetically and got very excited about the project. She works equally well with both private and public clients. She understands on a larger scale the level of detail and finishes required there. "

"Claudia is the perfect asset to any project that needs her creative and highly professional skills as a designer. Claudia posses the same attributes to every client and job that I do as well, and that is, 'her name is on it' and therefore, it has to be excellent and successful." 

Ken Krol, President 
Polaris Food Service Equipment, Inc.

Claudia excels in organizational skills, great taste and tremendous artistic ability in the Interior Design field. I have worked with Claudia on many tile projects and I would highly recommend her ability and sense of impeccable style on any projects.

Marlene Tunison,

"Claudia is a wonderful asset to any project/firm. 
I first met Claudia when she was a student of mine at NYSID - she was an enthusiastic and smart participant in my Professional Practice class (important as most designers aren't creative and business savvy). Since then I coached her as she focused on her professional exams, and now she is a client of mine. Any firm would be blessed with her professionalism, design sense, passion, dedication to the client/firm, and positive personality."

Lawrence Cohen, IIDA WELL AP