Spas & Wellness Centers

Our experience in designing spas and yoga studios has taught us that one of the biggest challenges in New York City is the limited space. We have become experts at working with our clients to establish programs as the foundation for our designs. Our client interviews are also tailored to business owners.

Our design services are tailored to meet the functional requirements of the space and our clients' business goals. Understanding and optimizing spatial needs while aligning the design with their vision is critical in every project we undertake.

Interior Design

We designed the Madison Avenue Spa for Aida Bicaj, one of the world's foremost experts in skincare, whose clients include celebrities, international elite, and Fortune 400 CEOs. Every detail in the spa was carefully considered, and we selected furnishings, finishes, and fixtures to reflect her exquisite taste.


Interior Design Services for Spas and Wellness Centers

We take the time to understand your unique challenges and goals, allowing us to create custom designs that promote relaxation, wellness, and an exceptional experience for your guests. Our photos below are a testament to our design expertise and dedication to excellence. Each project highlights our ability to transform spaces into serene, functional, and beautiful environments.

The wide plank white oak flooring, nickel and champagne metal finishes, crystal chandeliers and sconces, glass-beaded wallpaper, and Venetian plaster were meticulously chosen to ensure our client's clientele enjoys the ultimate luxury experience. The spa embodies understated glamour.

Given the small size of the space, the functionality was paramount. We tackled the challenge by designing custom-built cabinets that seamlessly integrated both functionality and aesthetic harmony with the rest of the space.

We maximized storage without sacrificing style by integrating custom built-in cabinets into the space. Mixing the finishes was crucial to create a cozy, homey atmosphere that felt inviting and lived-in. 

Lighting is essential in every project. The decorative chandeliers and sconces we selected not only illuminated the space but also enriched its ambiance, achieving the inviting and homey atmosphere we desired. This created a warm and comfortable environment overall.

"Claudia really takes care of the client like they’re her best friend. She will go above and beyond to make things happen. If it’s a difficult task she will bend over backwards to make it happen. I’ve worked with her on luxury residential, office space, and hospitality spaces. If I’m in a crunch and really need to get things started, I call Claudia. She comes and saves the day. She’s good at trying to understand what the client wants. She tries to really get into the heart of the client and see what they want and what style they’re looking for.


GreenbergFarrow, NYC

"Claudia has a genuine passion for what she does and it shows in her efforts. She will certainly give 110%. She doesn’t just stop at the first answer, but will continue to look at the challenge to see if there’s a better solution. As her teacher at NYSID, Claudia was one of those students who catch your eye because they have a little something a bit more special. She has a certain kind of passion, along with some diverse skills. She’s looking to challenge herself and find a new solution, not just a formulaic one. 

GPG Management, NYC

“Claudia delicately but firmly and professionally led a group committee into making good decisions. She persevered and got the job done. She had a very good eye. Everybody was very, very satisfied. I’m very impressed with her. And I found her very pleasant to work with.”

She is really good at space planning and has good, innovative ideas. She looks at all the different options to take a space that is very boring and stuffy and open it up and make it spacious and comfortable. Her work is very elegant and fun at the same time. She makes the impossible possible."


charlie ryan, co-owner brooklyn bowl

Our experience with Claudia was really tremendous because she’s energetic and hard-working. She uses her ears, and she has a lot of taste and a really broad spectrum of references and ideas to draw upon. So whatever problem you’re trying to solve, Claudia probably has an interesting point of view on it. Looking at the whole of the space and the possibilities within that space, in a holistic way, then you’ll be much more likely to get a result that is exactly what you want. 

GreenbergFarrow, NYC

"While working for my firm, she was able to find out what a client needs and desires on a particular project and can execute and deliver on that. She doesn’t miss her mark. Hospitality was something new and different for her and the firm and she attacked it very energetically and got very excited about the project. She works equally well with both private and public clients. She understands on a larger scale the level of detail and finishes required there. "



Located in the heart of New York's Upper West Side, this yoga studio was designed with minimalism in mind. The minimalist approach creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. Grass cloth wallpaper adorns the doors and front of the reception desk, enhancing the contrast between warm wood and white finishes, fostering a sense of peace and openness.

Transform Your Spa or Wellness Center With Our Expert Design Services

Our interior design studio is dedicated to creating the perfect environment for any wellness center or spa. With our detailed and client-focused design process, you'll work directly with Claudia, our principal designer, to ensure every aspect of your space aligns with your vision. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we'll handle all the details, allowing you to focus on providing an exceptional experience for your guests. Let us bring your dream space to life with our expertise and personalized approach.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Wellness Space

Our design services are available to clients in New York, across the country, and even abroad. Whether you're local or international, we bring the same level of dedication, creativity, and attention to detail to every project. Reach out to us today for a consultation.